Director of Market Development
Kimball Nill
Kimball Nill
Kim eats, drinks, sleeps U.S. soybean exports. He primarily focuses on the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council where he works to expand domestic and overseas markets for soybeans and soy products. Kim has more than 26 years experience working on behalf of U.S. soybean farmers. He has authored numerous papers and articles in U.S. and European journals on a variety of topics, including the marketing, technology and sustainability of agricultural products. He has penned five editions of a book designed to explain agricultural biotechnology to the public. Most recently, he co-authored a paper with several researchers from the National Institute of Health, which showed that in a humanized lab mouse diet containing TruSoya ® high oleic and high linolenic soybean oil resulted in an impressive reduction in cardiovascular disease biomarkers. Kim grew up on a farm in North Dakota and graduated from North Dakota State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry. He earned an MBA degree from the Wharton Business School in Pennsylvania.
Fun Kim fact: Kim’s leadership led to a milestone achievement in 2022, when Minnesota soybean checkoff investments helped Uzbekistan import the first shipment of U.S. soymeal.