Senior Director of Product Development & Commercialization
Mike Youngerberg
Mike Youngerberg
Mike provides staff management to key program areas, including the Domestic Utilization and New Uses programs. Throughout his tenure, Mike has worked diligently to coordinate biodiesel research and education programs, earning him the position of Minnesota Biodiesel Council Executive Director in 2005. He has become one of the nation’s leading experts on biodiesel and helped Minnesota pass the nation’s first biodiesel mandate in 2002.
Mike graduated from South Central College’s Automotive Engineering program in 1972, as well as Minnesota Agriculture and Rural Leadership’s charter class in 2002. Mike served his country in the United States Marine Corp from 1970-1973 and the U.S. Army Reserve from 1974-1987.
Fun Mike fact: Mike grew up on a dairy farm but soon found out that the cows wanted to be milked earlier than he wanted to get up, so he took a different career path that led him though technical college, the military, home building, maintenance supervisor at a local grain terminal and finally to Minnesota Soybean.